The Sanday Directory
Businesses, Services, Clubs & Groups
The directory lists businesses, services, clubs and groups. The directory is not an endorsement of any particular business or individual and all content is the responsibility of the individual/business. You can add a new listing or edit an exexisting one by clicking on the buttons below. Please note all submissions and updates are manually checked and it may take up to 48 hours for changes to become live.
To navigate the directory please select a category from the dropdown list or enter keywords into the search box below, or simply scroll through the complete list.
Sanday Mens Shed
Sanday Mens Shed
Home Old Co-Op Stores Kettletoft Sanday Orkney KW17 2BJ home
Work Email: sandayshed@gmail.comINTERNET
Old Co-Op Stores Sanday Orkney KW17 2BJ
Categories: Charity, Volunteering
Updated 3 years ago.