
OIC Orkney Local Development Plan 2017-2022

The Orkney Local Development Plan 2017 (referred to as “the Plan”) sets out a vision and spatial strategy for the development of land in Orkney over the next ten to twenty years. The Plan contains the land use planning policies which Orkney Islands Council will use for determining applications. It also contains development proposals for our towns, villages and rural settlements, and establishes settlement boundaries for each of these areas where the principle of development will be accepted. 

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GOV National Islands Plan

Our islands are synonymous with Scotland and the nation we are. In particular, they help define how international audiences see Scotland and contribute hugely to our national identity while also preserving and promoting strong local identities. Island people on the 93 inhabited islands in Scotland,1 – whether by birth or choice – are key to this. Islanders enjoy a strong sense of community, freedom and safety that contributes positively to living on islands in Scotland. Add to that their important economic role, their spectacular natural environment and rich cultural heritage, and you can see why people from all around the world visit and have a special affection for Scotland’s islands.

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GOV National Island Plan – Sanday Input

On 16th May 2019 a consultation event took place on Sanday. The event was attended by 17 people and the goal was to capture both what works well on the island and the challenges faced by the island community. The consultation is required by the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018, as a means to inform the National Islands Plan that Scottish Government will be presenting to Scottish Parliament on 4 October 2019.

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